PRATAMA ROTAN INTERIOR Retail Store Furniture and Home Decor Rattan
Desain tanpa judul – 2022-05-09T160028.115
Pratama Rattan Interior , Rattan Kids , Rattan Indoor
Welcome to Pratama Rattan Interior, we are manufacturer of rattan furniture and natural rattan. We have experience to furnis retaile. Pratama Rattan Interior, handycrafts rattan from our nature and neatness craftmanship.
Find your suitest rattan items to meet your desire here.
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Pratama Rattan Interior , Rattan Kids , Rattan Indoor
Welcome to Pratama Rattan Interior, we are manufacturer of rattan furniture and natural rattan. We have experience to furnis retaile. Pratama Rattan Interior, handycrafts rattan from our nature and neatness craftmanship.
Find your suitest rattan items to meet your desire here.
Visit our new user friendly site at
*Harga Hubungi CSCoffee table rattan is a table made of rattan frame in the form of a circle assembled into a unique unit with the top made of plywood covered with webbing so that it adds a beautiful and aesthetic impression.
*Harga Hubungi CSGarden furniture, also called patio furniture or outdoor furniture, is a type of furniture specially designed for outdoor use. Usually made of weather-resistant materials such as aluminum which is rust-resistant. The oldest surviving examples of garden furniture are found in the gardens of Pompeii.
*Harga Hubungi CSRattan Drawer
Chest of drawers made of rattan frame equipped with rattan wicker drawers.
Finished with a water base so that it gives a natural and elegant impression.
Able to accommodate a lot of stuffing.
Above it there is space that can be used for storage.
*Harga Hubungi CSSpesifikasi Produk: Bahan: Kerangka: Rotan alami dengan anyaman rapi. Kaki: Logam hitam berlapis anti karat. Bantalan: Kain lembut dengan isian empuk untuk kenyamanan ekstra. Desain: Sandaran lebar berbentuk lengkung ergonomis. Kombinasi rotan natural dan kaki logam untuk gaya modern minimalis. Warna: Rotan: Cokelat alami. Bantalan: Beige krem. Ukuran: Silahkan hubungi admin untuk infomasi lebih lengkap…. selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSPratama Rotan bergerak di bidang rattan natural dan sintetic furniture. Rotan bisa dijadikan berbagai kreasi mulai dari meja, kursi, sofa, vas bunga dan masih banyak lagi. Furniture rotan juga mampu menyatu dengan bahan lainnya seperti kayu atau besi. Hasil Produk Furniture berkualitas tinggi, menggunakan bahan terbaik. Semua bisa didapatkan Di Pratama Rotan dan kami melayani berbagai pesanan Bijian Atau Grosir Furniture Rotan, untuk seluruh kota di Indonesia.
*Harga Hubungi CSPratama Rattan is engaged in natural and synthetic rattan furniture. Rattan can be used as a variety of creations ranging from tables, chairs, sofas, flower vases and much more. Rattan furniture is also able to blend with other materials such as wood or iron. High quality furniture products, using the best materials. All can be obtained at Pratama Rattan and we serve various orders for Grain or Rattan Furniture Wholesale, for all cities in Indonesia.
*Harga Hubungi CSSpesifikasi Produk: Bahan: Rotan alami premium yang kokoh. Desain: Sandaran melengkung ergonomis dengan bilah rotan yang memberikan kenyamanan maksimal. Anyaman rotan pada dudukan dengan pola klasik yang menambah keindahan estetika. Gaya tropis modern yang cocok untuk berbagai konsep interior dan eksterior semi-tertutup. Ukuran: SIlahkan hubungi admin untuk informasi lebih lengkap. Fitur Tambahan: Bobot ringan, sehingga… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CS