PRATAMA ROTAN INTERIOR Retail Store Furniture and Home Decor Rattan
Rattan bar stools that fit and are comfortable to use for sitting at the bar. strong and sturdy guarantee.
*Harga Hubungi CSWall decoration made of rattan with water base finishing
so it looks natural and elegant. This wall hanging can be used as a soap bottle, shampoo bottle,
air freshener, small pot, or other decorations that can beautify your walls.
Kursi rotan ini terbuat dari rotan alami berkualitas tinggi, sehingga memberikan kekuatan dan daya tahan yang optimal. Selain itu, desainnya yang modern minimalis membuatnya cocok untuk berbagai gaya interior. Sandarannya dirancang melengkung untuk memberikan kenyamanan maksimal, sementara dudukan empuknya menggunakan busa berlapis kain krem yang terlihat elegan dan nyaman digunakan. Spesifikasi: Ukuran: 60 x 60… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CSHeadboard rattan is rattan mattress backrest with a unique shape can add to the beauty of the mattress, making it look more aesthetic.
*Harga Hubungi CSRattan Drawer
Chest of drawers made of rattan frame equipped with rattan wicker drawers.
Finished with a water base so that it gives a natural and elegant impression.
Able to accommodate a lot of stuffing.
Above it there is space that can be used for storage.
*Harga Hubungi CSPratama Rattan is engaged in natural and synthetic rattan furniture. Rattan can be used as a variety of creations ranging from tables, chairs, sofas, flower vases and much more. Rattan furniture is also able to blend with other materials such as wood or iron. High quality furniture products, using the best materials. All can be obtained at Pratama Rattan and we serve various orders for Grain or Rattan Furniture Wholesale, for all cities in Indonesia.
*Harga Hubungi CSSpesifikasi Produk: Material: Rangka: Rotan alami berkualitas tinggi Sandaran: Desain artistik dengan motif floral anyaman tangan Dudukan: Bilah rotan kokoh Dimensi: Silahkan hubungi admin untuk infomasi lebih lengkap. Desain: Bohemian klasik dengan sentuhan tropis, sandaran bulat dengan pola melengkung yang estetis, Kaki kuat dengan detail silang untuk stabilitas ekstra. Kombinasi kenyamanan, desain yang unik, dan… selengkapnya
*Harga Hubungi CS“PRATAMA ROTAN” JL. Manau No.35, Kramat 01/07, Trangsan, Gatak, Sukoharjo 57557
*Harga Hubungi CSRound rattan table with a combination of wood
so that it gives a strong impression but does not leave
an aesthetic impression.
Suitable for use as a patio table, guest table, garden table, or cafe table.
*Harga Hubungi CSRattan tray made of cast type rattan so it is strong to
withstand the load of food and drinks to be served.
*Harga Hubungi CS